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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Individuality and self-expressionism


They are truly an idividual piece of art

We love tattoos because we love art, and there is something so wonderful to us, almost romantic about the way a tattoo as an artform cannot be modified.

tattoos: A Time capsule for identity.

Art, inspiration, identity, meaning. These are some of the words that come to mind when we think of tattoos. Tattoos tell stories, provide constant reminders, represent cultural references and express feelings and ideas. But why, in a world where everything is changing at an unprecedented pace, people would want something that cannot be easily removed? In this article, in our section dedicated to Society, we look closely at this flourishing trend.

  • Art
  • Inspiration
  • Identity
  • Meaning
from counter-culture to mainstream

Tattoos are everywhere. Once considered part of the counter-culture, tattooing has become a mainstream part of society. Tattoos have burst onto modern culture and become more and more popular because they are being worn by celebrities, athletes, and people within the fashion industry. No longer associated with sailors, convicts and gang members; no longer the mark of the outcast, of the rocker and the rebel; now one in five US and UK adults say they have one – and among 18-29 year-olds the latest figures peg those with ink at 40 percent.

If you have never seriously considered getting a tattoo, you might be wondering just what motivates people to get something so permanent etched onto the skin – and to put up with the pain that comes with it. Or if you have tattoos, you might be wondering whether your reasons for getting them are similar to everyone else’s. Ask enough tattooed people about why they decided to go under the needle, you will notice there are some common themes.

  • Counter-culture
  • Mainstream
  • Society
  • Popular
the identity crisis under the ink

Modernity compels us to declare our identity with conviction. But, in an increasingly complex and fragmented world where the only constant is change, the result is a loss of the personal anchors needed for identity. Tattoos may provide this anchor, offering a way of visually promoting one’s identity and/or group affiliation in a society that fosters, both wittingly and unwittingly, anomie and anonymity. And for younger people, who are more likely to struggle with figuring out who they might be, tattoos don’t just express identity: they help define it. Which is why Millennials and Generation X are more likely to rely on tattoos as a way to cement aspects of their past and present selves.

This permanence is key. We define who we are by the elements that stick with us – people, stories, places, memories – and we measure ourselves in relation to them, patching the highlights together into what sociologists call a ‘personal myth’. These myths make sense of our lives, integrating our remembered past, perceived present, and anticipated future. Some people use institutions such as religion, work, and family to create this myth. Others use material objects like houses and cars to define it. But younger generations are different. Without access to many of the anchors their parents had to create their personal myths, that sense of stability and permanence is often harder to find.

  • Identity
  • Conviction
  • Anchor
  • Struggle
the ultimate form of self-expression

Our current society craves individuality and self-expression. Unlike clothing, make-up and accessories, tattoos have something that make them truly peculiar: they are permanent, essentially immutable. The decision to permanently modify one’s body is intensely personal, irrespective of the motivation. It is a celebration of individuality, the ultimate form of self-expression.

Tattooing is a controlled manifestation of our inner persona: a way to communicate our differences and uniqueness, thus influencing how we are perceived by others. Having a meaningful tattoo allows us to express who we are on the inside, to express our passions in life. Tattoos indicate the desire to stand out in a crowd, the refusal to just blend into the background. For some people, that is their biggest appeal.

  • Individuality
  • Self-expression
  • Uniqueness
  • Passions
A visual display of a personal narrative

Turns out tattoos are not really just skin deep. Most tattoos hold heavy meaning. They are not a random design, they are significant. They matter. So, more often than not, tattoos become a time capsule for identity. Tattoos can remind us of what we have already been through, as well as the continued strength and hope that the future brings. In this sense tattoos become a visual display of a personal narrative.

As people evolve and grow up, old tattoos become valuable reminders of unique stories of a past self. They become a way of honouring family and loved ones or recording meaningful moments right there on the skin. It is like having your own journal but in tattoo form. You will never be able to forget them, and they will always be a part of you. Even when everything else about the world right down to the body changes, tattoos are constants. They assure a link to the past.

  • Personal narrative
  • Valuable
  • skin journal
  • Matter
wedding video & photo

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  • Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua
  • Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation ullamco
  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
We are in a revolutionary era in which tattooing is evolving drastically as an art form.
We focus on the service aspect of our client interactions. it is our goal that every client has an incredible experience. we are different in a lot of other ways as well, these differences aren’t intentional but inherent.
Studio 316 Tattoo and Body Piercing